SD Or Sud Code On Whirlpool Washer- Troubleshooting and Fix

SD Or Sud Code On Whirlpool Washer- Troubleshooting and Fix

Have you experienced a sudden flashing of  Sd or Sud code on Whirlpool washer in the middle of a wash cycle? You might want to overcome the issue to continue doing your laundry without any delay.

The SD or sud code means the washer is detecting the excessive presence of suds or soap foam inside the drum. It can be caused by several reasons such as not using high-efficiency detergent and pouring more detergent than required.

Stick to this article to know in-depth about Sd code on Whirlpool washers and ways to eliminate it for clean laundry.

What SD Or Sud Error Code Mean on A Whirlpool Washer?

If your Whirlpool washer stops in the middle of a cycle and displays an SD error code, you need not panic. Newer technologies in the washer industry ensure the effective use of water and detergent for a better cleaning of fabrics.

What SD Or Sud Error Code Mean on A Whirlpool Washer

Considering some reason the suds or foam volume increases rapidly inside the washer, it stops the wash cycle and shows an Sd or Sud error. It denotes that the amount of soap solution is more than the optimum level required for cleaning the clothes.

Hence, the washer fails to spin out due to excessive sud water. Too much detergent/soap sud might result in it overflowing and trigger the washer to add and re-circulate more water.

As a result, it increases the rinse time than usual. It’s important to address this issue seriously as there could be some underlying issues with the washer hardware as well.

Probable Causes For SD/SUD Error Code In Whirlpool Washer

There could be various potential causes for your Whirlpool washer to show an Sd or SUD error code including some basic and serious ones.

Before trying to resolve the issue, you must know the causes thoroughly as it might help you to understand what you’ll be dealing with.

  • Excessive use of detergent or not using HE (recommended) detergent.
  • Clogged washer drain pump filter.
  • Damaged internal impeller/agitator hub

How To Troubleshoot & Fix SD or SUD Error On Whirlpool Washer?

After knowing all the probable causes, you might want to try to fix your Whirlpool washer SD code starting from the simple one. This will help you recognize the issue beforehand and act accordingly.

1. Perform Soft Reset

Whirlpool washers use high-efficiency (HE) liquid detergents that are specially formulated so as not to generate excessive suds or foam.

However, using regular detergent instead of HE detergent results in forming a high volume of suds in the presence of a small amount of water.  A similar case happens if you use increased HE detergent in the washer.

Perform Soft Reset

Moreover, not maintaining the detergent and fabric type (to be washed) ratio also causes a similar problem. As a result, the excessive suds in the washer drum fail to spin and display the SD or code.

That is you should always refer to the user manual to know what HE detergent you should use in your Whirlpool washer.  To fix the code you need to perform a soft reset of the washer.

Firstly, cancel the existing wash cycle followed by the rinse and drain cycle to remove all suds from the washer drum. After that power down the washer and unplug it.

Shutting down the circuit breaker would also do the same. Wait for a while (1-5 minute) and reboot the washer. Start a fresh cycle and check if it shows the error code again.

2. Clean & Clear Drain Pump Filter

Your Whirlpool washer might also display the SD or SUD error code for clogged or malfunctioning drain pump filters.

When the washer detects excessive suds in the drum it stops the wash cycle and starts to rinse and drain the suds to ensure better cleaning.

The drain pump activates to carry the foamy water out from the washer basket hence it runs for a while to eliminate the code. However, suds in a higher volume can clog the drain pump filter and prevent draining suds from the washer.

Many users have reported that small pieces of clothes such as socks also get in the way of the drain pump hindering proper suds draining. Thus the clogged drain pump fails and the washer shows an Sd or Suds code.

To solve this you need to physically access the drain pump located underneath the washer. Unscrew the lower front panel to get to the drain pump. Place a tray of pieces of clothes underneath the pump.

Afterward, gently rotate the pump cover counterclockwise. Let the pump flush all accumulated suds and water from inside. Clean the pump properly and check the drain hose if it’s functioning properly.

Reassemble and reset the washer. Check if the error code disappears by starting a fresh wash cycle. If not you might need to change the entire drain pump.

3. Repair/Replace Impeller Hub

The agitator in Whirlpool or impeller in Whirlpool washers tends to disengage with the basket after being used for years.

Thus, using excess detergent results in too many suds, and eventually, it goes beneath the impeller hub. As a result, this slightly restricts the spin of the impeller along with the basket during the rinse and drain cycle.

To get access to the tub hub, remove the agitator blade using a specific socket wrench. Nextly, remove the hub from the shaft by unscrewing six Phillips head screws.

If the gear teeth inside the top or bottom hub are worn and torn you need to replace them with OEM. After replacing the hub in the kit, reassemble everything and reset the washer.

Tips To Avoid SD or SUD Error Code On Whirlpool Washer

A sudden sd or sud error code can hamper your laundry and waste a lot of work time while resolving it. Here are some tips to avoid sd/sud code in your Whirlpool washer.

SD or SUD Error Code On Whirlpool Washer
  • Always use recommended HE (High efficiency) liquid detergent
  • Pour detergent in a proper ratio to the amount of clothes.
  • Keep the washer basket or drum clean and free from small fabrics
  • Clean the drain pumps regularly for better longevity


Check out the following answered questions from Whirlpool washer owners to broaden your knowledge about SD or SUD error codes.

How long does the Sud error last?

The Whirlpool washer requires around five to ten minutes to complete the drain and spin cycle successfully to remove the excessive suds. However, it might take more or less depending upon the washer model and volume of suds.

Is it costly to fix SD/SUD in the Whirlpool washer?

It is not costly to fix sd or sud on Whirlpool washers. It might cost you only $12-$30 to replace the tub hub below the agitator.

Final Words

Now that you know what sd or sud code on Whirlpool washer actually means and the potential fixes to clear it, we hope you can refer to the above-mentioned fixes at home only saving a lot of money.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to seek help from a professional for a better and secure result.

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