Hotpoint Dishwasher Filter Location: How-Tos & Maintenance Guide!

hotpoint dishwasher filter location

Hotpoint dishwashers are the unsung heroes of the kitchen, quietly and efficiently simplifying the dishwashing process. But sometimes the Hotpoint dishwasher acts up just for a grimy filter, when a simple clean can do the trick. But before, Hotpoint dishwasher filter location is essential to be aware of.

Well, the filters of the Hotpoint dishwasher are located on the floor of the dishwasher. You need to remove the lower basket of the Hotpoint dishwasher as you can find the filter on the bottom center beneath the basket.

But how can you get access to it, how to clean it, or so on? Here, we will cover everything about such questions that can arise in the mind. So, keep on reading.

Where Is The Hotpoint Dishwasher Filter Located?

The filter of the Hotpoint dishwasher is an integral part of efficient dishwashing cleaning performance. You can find the filter on the floor of the dishwasher.

Either you can find it around the base of the lower spray arm or on the bottom center of the dishwasher tub. You will need to remove the lower dish rack to access it.

However, let’s see how you can access the filters of your Hotpoint dishwasher either for cleaning or replacement.

  • As always, before starting any maintenance on any kitchen appliances, make sure it’s safely turned off. 
  • To get the filter, remove the lower basket of your Hotpoint dishwasher. 
  • Hotpoint dishwashers actually have a number of separate filters, usually two or three. One is a metal sieve that sits at the bottom of the dishwasher. Another one is the drain filter, generally, comes in two parts which just click in and out. 
  • You can remove the first filter with a twist and the other one by simply lifting it out. Take apart all these three filters if you’re intending to clean.

How To Know That The Hotpoint Dishwasher Filter Needs To Be Cleaned?

After locating the Hotpoint dishwasher filter, it is vital to recognize whether it needs cleaning or not. However there are some obvious signs that indicate a clogged or damaged filter of the dishwasher. We summarize the sign in the listed form.

  • Visible food particles or soil. 
  • Worsen cleaning performance 
  • If you have still any food remnants on your dishes after a cycle 
  • Food is left in the machine after a wash 
  • Dishes feel grimy or gritty to touch even after washing.
  • Rotten smell

How To Clean The Hotpoint Dishwasher Filter Properly?

Cleaning the filters of the Hotpoint dishwasher is the simplest but crucial task for the maintenance of the dishwasher for optimal performance.

You can keep the filters of the dishwasher clean just with the help of running water and a soft cleaning brush. However, let’s get to the matter with a step-by-step guide.


  • Warm water 
  • Sink or basin

Required tools: An old toothbrush, sponge, or soft brush

Procedure: Here is the step by step guide for you to follow.

Step 1: Locate and remove your dishwasher filter

First, get access to the filter of the Hotpoint dishwasher. Take it out from the bottom of your dishwasher for cleaning.

Step 2: Remove any debris

The next step is to clean any debris that may have built in the bottom of the Hotpoint dishwasher and also on the top of the filter. Here a brush or small shop vacuum can assist you in cleaning thoroughly.

Step 3: Clean the filter

To clean the filter of the dishwasher, run water over it. While you are washing the filter of the dishwasher, you also need to use the scrub, old toothbrush, or soft cleaning brush to remove any stubborn debris or calcium buildup.

But never use any wire brush, or scouring pad for cleaning as it can damage the filter.

Step 4: Return the filter to the dishwasher tub

Once the filter is cleaned, put the lower filter into the dishwasher tub. Place it properly so that the upper filter will line up with the round opening of the lower filter or the bottom of the tub.

[Note: Never run the dishwasher until you ensure that the filters are properly locked. That’s because the action of running the Hotpoint dishwasher with loose filter can damage the dishwasher]

However if there is any confusion or you need any further assistance, then you can refer to the below youtube video of the Hotpoint.

Why Is It Necessary To Clean The Hotpoint Dishwasher Filter?

When the matter is about an efficient, odorless, and hygienic dish-cleaning process, cleaning the filters is essential for the Hotpoint dishwasher.

That’s because if you don’t do a periodic inspection and rinse the filter, food particles can build up in it.

As a result, there will be potential blockage, dirty water, unsanitary conditions and loss of performance.

Moreover, dirty filters of the dishwashers cause a stench or not properly cleaned dishes.

More importantly, in some rare cases, grimy or gritty filters of the dishwashers can cause much more serious problems with the drainage system and can even damage the pump.

How Often Should You Clean The Filters Of The Hotpoint Dishwasher?

In terms of cleaning the filters of your Hotpoint dishwasher, it is recommended to do so every three months to ensure the optimal performance of the machine.

Moreover, according to Hotpoint, you should at least check the filter of the dishwasher once a month or after every 30 cycles of washing.

Check the filter assembly and if it needs cleaning, clean it under the running water with a metallic brush.

When To Replace The Filter Of The Hotpoint Dishwasher?

Typically filters of the Hotpoint dishwashers don’t need frequent replacement, instead, all it requires is a regular cleaning.

In terms of longevity, the filters of most dishwashers generally last for about 5 years with proper care, cleaning, and maintenance.

So, with proper care, you do not have to think about replacing the filter. That’s until it is just working fine or you don’t see noticeable wear and tear on the filter.

Moreover, if the filter is too much gunked up that cleaning the filter alone can’t get the Hotpoint dishwasher back to normal towards its efficiency and performance, you may need to replace the filter now.

Replacing the filter of the Hotpoint dishwasher can cost you approximately $13.35 for the replacement parts.


As dishwashers have a significant role in our daily life, simplifying the cleaning process of the dishes, users become concerned about their performance and maintenance. However, let’s go through some of the most asked queries of the user regarding the matter below. 

Do all dishwashers have filters that need cleaning?

Some old dishwashers may have self-cleaning filters that limit the need for daily maintenance and period cleaning. But nowadays most of the modern dishwashers don’t have self-cleaning filters, as that’s so you have to clean them at an interval. 

How do I deep clean my Hotpoint dishwasher filter?

Soaking the filters in the vinegar can be a great way to have a deep clean of the filters of the dishwashers. Take out the filter and rinse it with running water. You can use the soft bristle brush to remove any stubborn food. Then soak the filter in the vinegar water mixture for about 30 minutes to have a deep cleaning. 

Can you clean a dishwasher filter without removing it?

If your dishwasher has no removable filter, then still you can clean it up. Here you just need to use the dishwasher filter cleaning tablets. These cleaning tablets are quite effective for dishwashers who do not own a removable filter to clean by themselves. 

Final Words

Knowing the Hotpoint dishwasher filter location is crucial for efficient cleaning and smooth performance.

 Apart from today’s guide, you can also refer to the owner’s manual for precise instructions.

As you see, typically, the Hotpoint dishwasher filters are located on the base, beneath the lower rack. However, for any further assistance, consult the Hotpoint customer service

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